The 20 Leadership Metrics of Tomorrows CEO

“Knowing our limitations is what makes us human; Ignoring them is what makes us believe we can lead”

How do you transform from yesterday’s manager into a powerful CEO capable of building an outstanding team and embedding a culture which maximises peoples’ cognitive and creative potential?

When I sit down with senior managers for the first time to review leadership fundamentals, I show my ’20 Metrics of Tomorrows CEO’ summary and inquire which they agree and disagree with, which attributes they possess and which might be those that are proving to be the most elusive and why?

It always creates a positive stimulus and helps to shape a mentoring programme which centres upon individual needs and helps build a specific programme which may develop and enhance their leadership potential.

“When we identify the discomfort, we have found the place where a true leader is needed.”

The most powerful CEO’s appreciate that the traditional leadership model which seeks security in hierarchical status, dictate and command is unlikely to realise the levels of collective commitment and team morale which will result in high creative output and translate into sustained, exceptional performance.

Leading in today’s high volatile, globally connected economy is no easy task; as the management writer, Seth Godin has stated “When we identify the discomfort, we have found the place where a true leader is needed”.

To inspire and create a culture of constant progression and adaptability requires this state of discomfort, the ability to embrace the risk inherent in grasping new opportunity which will translate into customer value superior to the nearest competitors in your industry.

How many of the 20 metrics can you tick in the right hand column? The more you can tick the greater the potential discomfort, but ironically, the greater the potential impact in expanding preconceived limitations and realizing your true leadership potential!

Just take a look here:The 20 Leadership Metrics of Tomorrows CEO

For further information on our Leadership Mentoring Programmes, contact Haydn Parry on + 44 (0) 203 126 4856, or email Haydn at